Volunteers Wanted – 2024/5 Season
Recreational Hockey Calgary (RHC) are looking for volunteers to join our Board Members for the 2024/5 season. RHC currently has over 800 players across the U13, U15, U18 and Junior Divisions and as such can only function with the support and dedication of a number of volunteers.
There is a great group of individuals currently serving our membership on the Board, who find the experience very rewarding, with only a very reasonable monthly time commitment.
Please consider assisting our program by filling one of our vacant Board positions for the season 2024/5, we are looking for volunteers in the following capacities:
- President
- Secretary
- U18 and Junior Coordinators
Without our dedicated group of board volunteers our league is unable to run. Remember we do it for the kids!
If you are interested in taking on one of these positions please contact our outgoing President, Russell Stratton.